Monday, March 16, 2009


Remember these two ladies? It wasn't Saturday night at my house unless Are You Being Served? was on the tube. Who can forget Mr. Humphries? Young Mr. Grace? Mr. Rumpole?

These two ladies are unforgettable: Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms. Mollie Sugden and Wendy Richards in real life. Unfortunately Ms. Richards passed away a few weeks ago. At her service this past week in London was, you guessed it, Mrs. Slocombe. I thought for sure she must be gone by now but there she was, being attended by a younger, nice looking young man. It was good to see her and know she's still ticking, but sad about Ms. Richards. I wonder how Mrs. Slocombe's pussy is doing (get your minds straight: it was her cat, Toodles). Can you believe? Love the spunky little hat. Bet the old girl could do some damage with that cane.

I finished my Dad's little cushion this afternoon-well, maybe partly. I added some cording but it was dreadful. Maybe I'll add some buttons or something to the ends. On the cushion are his ring and his Civitan medallion and ribbon. I'm going to do one for my mother next.

Deborah's RR arrived and that's next on the agenda. I hope it will go to Ann in the next few days. This is my first RR and I'm so excited. Something to do on a rainy, dull day.

Photos from the Daily Mail Online.


Ann said...

It's still not Saturday night at my house unless I'm watching British comedy!

Julie said...

Lovely pillow, your dad looks a lovely man.

Its always nice to have a giggle at an old comedy programmee