Sunday, December 30, 2012


Three months since my last post! What an interesting time!

As I said in September, I took a tumble and ended up with a broken shoulder. Major pain and so many things I couldn't -and still can't- do. Including play the piano or organ.

We had to wait until the bone healed for an MRI. Or so we thought. On December 5th, I had the MRI. All Xanaxed up (claustrophobic,major time), I thought it would be a breeze. Not so. The tech put the cuff on my shoulder and I ended up crying through the whole thing because it was SO painful. Even through two babies, gallbladder, root canals, etc., I've never had pain like that.

We went back the 9th for the result. The bone (great tuberosity)  is not healing and a tendon or two are torn. Can't pronounce that. Well, on Jan. 8th at 9 AM I'm going to surgery. Dr. Rodriguez is going to pin the bone in place (hey--I'm going to get screwed and not be awake to enjoy it!!!!! Sense of humor isn't broken!!!) and repair the rotator cuff. Jan. 8th was the first opening he had and I'll be able to enjoy watching my team in the BCS on the 7th.  ROLL TIDE!

What that means is that I'm going to have a lot more serious pain and 4-6 months of major rehab. I was fitted--yes, fitted-- for the sling a couple of weeks ago. Those of you who have had shoulder surgery know what it looks like. And we're back to showers, with DH drying me and dressing me. No cutting my food. Lots of books and movies. And I will be able to stitch and knit because there will be no movement of the shoulder.

I don't know how long it will be before I can drive. The idea is to keep the shoulder completely still except for rehab. I've been through something like this for 3 months, so I can go a little longer. Just on a larger size.

I've gone through stages. Even a major crying one. Now I'm in the off and on anger stage and just anxious to get it over with. I understand that I probably will wake up with a painkilling lifeline in for a few days. I have moments of feeling sorry for myself and then things fall back into place.

Thank God it's just a broken shoulder and surgery. Thank God I'm not one of those parents in Newtown, Connecticut that had to bury a child. Thank God that I'm safe and warm here and have everything I need. Everything happens for a reason. It could be so much worse. So now I'm still on an extended vacation, but I'm alive.

All prayers are appreciated, especially for poor David. He's going to be my major caregiver for quite awhile and that ain't an easy job. I've discovered that in the last three months. At least there will be more blogging. One-handed!

So you guys out there, pray for us. And for all those who are not so lucky. I'll check in again before the Big Day.


Catherine said...

Sending thoughts and prayers.....

Jackie's Stitches said...

Thinking of you both! I hope you heal well and quickly.

Linens and Royals said...

Awful for you, my broken elbow is nothing compared to what you are going through. Yes! I've got a couple of screws holding me together, I can do most things now though I know my arm will never be perfect again.
I don't dare ask how your "Queen" cross stitch is going. Not very well I think. So depressing when you can't do all the things you love. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

Julie said...

Much love to you Marian, I'll be thinking of you. I've had a few MRI scans, hated them all! Xxxx