Monday, March 17, 2008


It's a great day for wearing green and it was a great weekend. It began on Saturday morning when we gathered at Beth Shalom Synagogue to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Seth Bombet. It was a first for David and me and we were most impressed with this young man. It was a ceremony celebrating his becoming an adult in his Jewish life. It took hours and hours and months and months of study to bring him to this place and he did it well. The service was mostly in Hebrew but we could follow in the prayer book and actually participate in the English part of the service.

We attended the Kiddush luncheon afterwards and the food was delicious-even the yak cheese. DH was too chicken (kosher, of course!) to try it, but I did and it was pretty good.

Saturday night we joined the Sunrise Nursing Home group at Mary Lou and Bob Thompson's for a dinner. The fellowship was wonderful as was the food. The highlight of the evening was Cajun, their aging but active poodle who kept everyone entertained.

Sunday night we presented the Easter music. It was nervy for some of us old ones who had to jump out of our boxes to do the rousing, rock and roll music. I was firmly convinced it would be my last night on earth, but here I am, still here. We did very well, if I say so myself.

Sunday night at 11:12 pm saw the arrival of Silas Andrew Wimberly into this world. He's the ninth child of our pastor and his wife, Dr. Collin and Gina Wimberly. He is a big one-7lbs. 5ozs. And we all look forward to making his acquaintance at the proper time. Welcome, Silas!

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